Enable side PTT to work with sepaker mic installed

Covering the following Subscriber devices: APX1000/1500, APX3000, APX4000/4500, APX6000, APX6000XE, APX6500, APX7000, APX7000XE, APX7000L, APX7500, and APX8000.

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Enable side PTT to work with sepaker mic installed

Post by jacksonrd »

Is there a way to enable the side PTT button to function while the speaker (lapel) mic is installed? As for now, when you have the lapel mic on the radio, you cannot key the radio with the normal (side) PTT button.
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Re: Enable side PTT to work with sepaker mic installed

Post by Mfire39 »

I believe it's a CPS setting to disable the radio PTT when a mic or accessory is attached. All of my APX's TX from the side PTT no matter what accessory is attached.

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Re: Enable side PTT to work with sepaker mic installed

Post by sjxts3000 »

You can always key the radio PTT when an RSM is installed, however, by default, if you do that, it uses the mic on the radio itself, rather than the RSM. There's a setting to tell it to always use the mic on the RSM regardless of radio or PTT used. That's how I have mine set up.

In CPS, check "Radio Ergonomics Wide" , "Active Mic for Radio PTT" and set it to "RSM Mic"
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