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Syntor X9000 power level adjustment? Can it be...

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:00 pm
by chipjumper
Is there an option to change the power levels on a 110w vhf x9000???

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:40 pm
by tvsjr
The power output can be adjusted by an internal power control pot. From the keypad, no.

FYI, X9000s can actually turn more than 110 watts, but you'll burn up the PA rapidly. You can turn them down to 60-70 watts, but too low and the PA will start acting strange. If you want low-power, buy a low-power drawer.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 11:44 pm
by Big Blue TO/\/\
I was actually gonna ask this, but with the added ? of can you do it per channel, ie: kinda like a local channel where you KNOW you'll be talking close or to a guy on a HT? Any hack in the RSs, or is it TRULY hardware dependant?

(there are SOME things I really shouldn't say at 110 watts, or from Wulfsberg in the airplane, but THAT is a thread for the Lounge)


Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 7:33 am
by Pj
Everything is at high power with the x9000. Kinda all or nothing. You can reduce the power radio wide by adjusting the power level in the radio drawer, but I have heard that if you go low enough, the radio tends to go wacky.

The newer radio's tend to let you program high or low per channel, but that's it. The Orions let you program in a specific wattage per channel, but will only let you go down 50% of its maximum.