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Loss of dimming control and RCL, Squelch, & Del capabili

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:09 am
by SpectraBob
I'm hoping that somebody can help me with this weird situation...

I have a Spectra Conventional (45-watts) radio with a 9000-series (A9) head. After making some minor channel-programming changes recently, it seems that I can now no longer use the "dim" button to change the level of backlighting. In addition, the RCL, Squelch, and Del buttons no longer work, meaning I am now unable to delete any nuisance channels, nor recall them... and I am also unable to change the level of the squelch threshold... from the control head keyboard.

While this head was working fine before, the programming changes I made seems to have corrupted these features; I've double-checked all of the software settings related to these features and all are as they were before (meaning these features are enabled). I've even tried using different A9 heads and reprogrammed them, all to no avail. It's as if these features simply ceased to exist, after making a few simple frequency changes.

Does anybody have any ideas on where to possibly look next, to bring these features back? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!


Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:39 pm
by Pj
Is this the first time that you have programmed the radio with the current software/hardward combo?

I have seen courpt RSS installs that looked ok do this sort of stuff.

If you have a good pre-change CP, load that back in and see if it corrects itself. If not, there might be something missing somewhere that may be getting overlooked (and its pretty easy to do with the spectra software).

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:54 am
by SpectraBob

It's the first time that I did my own programming, but it all seems pretty straight-forward to me, as I've done programming on other brands of radios previously. I've double-checked all the programming settings and all seems OK. I suspect that something somehow managed to get corrupted.

Is there a way to "initialize" all of the programming on these radios, to get it all back to the way it once came from the factory? If so, maybe that's what I need to do (if possible), and then make my changes as needed, to see if all of the basic features finally remain.

Any more ideas?



Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:19 am
by BPD109
Sounds more like the control head type had been changed in RSS. I don't recall exactly what menu it's under (my programming computer is about a thousand miles away) but I can recall that when programming A5 spectras if the control head was set as standard, then backlighting wouldn't dim properly. I changed it to enhanced, and I had dimming options in the control head configuration menu.

I'm getting a headache again...

RSS will drive you to drink, engage in illicit drug use, and make you want to bash your skull into a wall, if you are new to it.

And to answer your other question, no there is no option in the RSS to reset everything to "factory" settings with Spectras...they are all codeplug/firmware/hardware based, and hence there can be several "factory" default configurations for the Spectra radios.

good luck.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:31 am
by SpectraBob
Hmmm... sounds like I'd better make sure that it comes up as "enhanced" rather than "standard", in case I am able to change that parameter.



Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:10 am
by Rick Rock
Actually, you want the control head in Radio-wide settings to read s9000e for an A9 head, not standard or enhanced, as standard is for an A5 head, and enhanced is for an A7 head.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:52 am
by SpectraBob
That makes sense; thanks for reminding me of that. I believe that is the current actual setting, but I will double-check that again, just in case.


Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:26 pm
by BPD109

Rick's right!!! where's that wall at??