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LED ratings

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:25 am
by RidgeRunner
Just curious what people think here, I was comparing LED brightness ratings and some are as high as 30,000 mcd. What I have read is that just because your MCD rating is thru the roof doesn't necessarily mean that the light will be a bright light, you also have to figure in the viewing angle.

Anyone here know what a good ratio is? I have seen some LED's with a 5000 mcd rating with a 40-60 degree viewing angle. I have also seen a few that claim up 100 degree viewing angle.

Just curious to hear what people say.


Re: LED ratings

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:20 am
by Pj
Whats the application?

There are three general forms of LED's out today. They are offically or unoffically known as:

Generation 1 - These are the 5MM LED's. They are directional, with very little off axis viewing.

Generation 2 - Also known as the "TIR" or Total internal reflector. These are the ones that have the very high intensitiy larger looking LED's. Directional as well, extremely bright. Some manufactures will use optics to try to spread out some light.

Generation 3 - Known as the "Linear LED's". These use the same LED bulbs as the TIR's, but use optics to make them spread out the light. These will have the strobe looking reflectors, and spread out the most light.

Re: LED ratings

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:57 pm
by RidgeRunner
well I wanted just for fun to make a small red strobe light for an experiment. I found some LEDs on ebay that look like they would do the job. I also found a module that will give me the LED flashing effect. The one thing that I am not finding is some sort of weather proof enclosure. I had a thread going on it, but it pretty much died.