Astro Saber vs. XTS ?

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Astro Saber vs. XTS ?

Post by 52eddie »

OKie I'm a newbie, I'll admit it. I've tried the search and plain jane scrolling through all the posts. But I've still haven't quite figured out the answer to my question:

The major differences between an Astro Saber 3 vs a XTS 3000/3500.

(FYI, i have found the post about the 3000 vs 3500). I'm in the market to bite the bullet and shell out for a IMBE radio but am not sure which to go for. I have regular sabers already and have quite a few accessories already for the saber series radios. But if i'm taking the leap, would the XTS series "last longer"?

Thanks much in advanced from a humbled new jack :wink:

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Post by 52eddie »

wow that was fast! I just came back cause I wanted to add another question I just thought of. Thanks for the quick reply.

I heard that the XTS' require a SmartRIB to program them and the AS-3's only require a regular one?? It'd be a pain to have to get the smartrib.

Soooo I guess the matter of choice might be one of convienence for me since I already have many accessories for the saber series. Though it would be "kewl" to have the newer XTS... :D

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Post by MarkHam2B »

I've had both an analog Saber and an Astro XTS 3000 for close to a year now. For what it's worth, I find the XTS a little handier to take with me. The Saber definitely feels more substantial, but the XTS has taken a few knocks already and doesn't show any signs of giving up. Would I rate it as durable as an MX; probably not, but to have that on your hip for 8 hours isn't something I'd want to go back to.

I only have limited working experience with the Astro Saber, but it looks taller than an analog Saber with securenet, so for me it may be a bit uncomfortable. The other thing to consider is that the Astro Saber was just discontinued. I believe there are indications that the XTS 3000/3500 may be going the same way in a few years; it's inevitable. I believe the XTS 2500 and 5000 will have more life in them, but they aren't available in the UHF bands you may need.

Hope this helps.


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What radios do you own?: X9000 thru APX

Post by Pj »

The XTS when it first came out did have a 512k board. Not many around, but they are out there.

9600 Astro-25 trunking is not a widespread mode of operation. Once a radio is flashed for that feature, that's pretty much what it will only do execpt for conventional stuff. The most common trunking operation found in these radio's is Smartzone.

I have two AS3's, and we are getting and have had XTS3000's. We have had analog Saber I's since they were released, and the guys hate the XTS's. Unfortunatly we don't have a choice. The biggest complaint (out of many) is that the ABC switch tends to get knocked around causing a problem depending on its programed function.

The XTS really aren't that bad of a radio, and if you have a Saber with a battery that is less than the high-cap, the size is comparable to the XTS. Both support the same software features.

I like the display and feel of the Saber. For most of us, its going to come down to price.
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Post by cfd95 »

i have both as3 and xts3500 i like the as3 better. the audio is better and the rx sensitivity is better on the as3. i have the lion battery on the as3 which makes it a little taller and lighter than the xts. i havent had any problems with either one. i use the xts for firefighting and has held up fine. They are both great radios .
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ASTRO Saber is dead as of last year.

Anymore, when you look at this beast, it looks like an ancient, gigantic and outmoded MX. Its time has come and definately passed with the last century.

XTS rocks, and Motorola is putting all of its development dollars and new upgraded features into this still VERY CURRENT product. Time is fast ticking to where the venerable Motorola Service Depot will refuse to service the discontinued ASTRO Saber.

One advantage to the huge brick ASTRO Saber is that they should become dirt cheap on eBay really soon becasue it has been MD'ed. It is also a good museum piece/collector's item (if in mint condition) as it was the very first (but ancient) Motorola ASTRO handheld.

Just My 2 Cents,

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My comments were somewhat tongue-in-cheek...
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What radios do you own?: XTS5000R, Astro Saber III, I

Post by MT2000 man »

Not to be rude, but this question has been asked time, and time again on this board. A quick search should bring you at least 2 - 3 posts reguarding this question. Anyway, I'll respond none the less :):)
My comment -
I personally like the astro saber. I've owned one for about 3 months, and then sold it. Why you ask ? If your actually planning on this radio to be PORTABLE, you WOULD NOT want the astro saber III with an ultra high cap. battery to be considered one of your choices. Its WAYYYY to big. It can't fit it on my visor, like the XTS, etc. So, mobility is basically why I got rid of it. If your just using it for a "sit on the desk" radio, then go for it, but if your out in the field, and have to hold that door stop, good luck !!!
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Post by 52eddie »

Well going back to my original reply I stated I tried a search on the topic without much luck. But since then the topic has kinda wandered a bit which I have no compaints about, but infact welcome the other comments mixed in.

But anyhows, I carry a Saber on me everyday at work and I don't have many complaints. I've also carried System saber with the secure module (reliatively same size as a AS3) as well as Jedi series Ht1000/Mt2000's. In terms of weight advantage, I think it's pretty much even. I haven't tried to weigh either yet but I have yet to notice my pants hanging any "lower" because of one. I do have a few pet peeves about the sabers:

They are susceptable to cellular interference and you can hear it while someone is on a cell nearby. Also I have found that Jedi's aren't susceptable to the same interferance but at the same time have just a slight but noticable less "lag" to hit repeaters. But otherwise if you trying for the "concealed" look, it's what you make of it. I can stick a saber in my back pocket and with a long shirt can easily cover it up. The sabers fit quite nicely in your back pocket, not that I can say the same for Jedi sized ones. And you can go back an forth between the two of them forever.

Going back to my main post, all I was really concerned about is if I upgraded to a AS3 vs XTS is whether the AS3 would become obsolete or incompatable with emerging technologies. Sure obviously newer radios will have newer technologies & features but it comes down to: will it still be worthwhile? Of course a few other things come to mind, which can take a better beating blah blah blah. FDNY has been beating the snot out of their sabers for quite a few years yet they still go back to them. They haven't seen the need to upgrade to the Jedi series. Only in recent light they forsee a need for a radio with multiple channels/options hence the current available XTS series. Yet I have heard some issues they have had with the radios: The volume knob is easily damaged/destroyed, the emergency button is woefully undersized for fire work or inaccesable etc., etc., etc.

So mebe this boils down to preference and I'm just plain asking who likes what for what I guess. Is that such a bad thing? Isn't what this whole board is kind of based on? :D

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As to NYFD and others use of ASTRO Sabers...

The argument of AS vs. XTS is now sort of moot, or at least a bit academic. No one can buy new ASTRO Sabers since they were manufacture discontinued by Motorola last year. ASTRO Sabers are history. I suppose they could find a few used ones on eBay, if they were willing to go with a parts radio and hacked plugs, which I doubt.

It was a good (albeit huge) radio while it lasted, but it goes the way of other venerable products like the MX series, Micors, Tube radios, B&W TVs, Beta, T-Power radios, ...

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What radios do you own?: APX4K, XTL5K, NX5200, NX700HK

Post by Josh »

ASTROMODAT wrote:As to NYFD and others use of ASTRO Sabers...

The argument of AS vs. XTS is now sort of moot, or at least a bit academic. No one can buy new ASTRO Sabers since they were manufacture discontinued by Motorola last year. ASTRO Sabers are history. I suppose they could find a few used ones on eBay, if they were willing to go with a parts radio and hacked plugs, which I doubt.

It was a good (albeit huge) radio while it lasted, but it goes the way of other venerable products like the MX series, Micors, Tube radios, B&W TVs, Beta, T-Power radios, ...

I found it odd that when I was searching for an APCO-25, IMBE radio near the end of last summer, the prices I received for XTS3000 radios was only about $1k, while Astro Sabers with the same flashcode, band and model, was mich higher, even being ''an older radio'' that was huge in comparison with the battery.

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What radios do you own?: XTS5000R, Astro Saber III, I

Post by MT2000 man »

Speaking of astro saber's, I just saw one of Nick's astro saber III UHF specials just go off on E-bay for a BIN price of $800 Via. Pay Pal. Lucky bast*** who got that one :)

I plan of getting an astro saber III again, come mid year, and sell all my other radios.

Oh well, just thinking out loud :)
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Post by alex »

I'm 1/2 honestly.

I have:

XTS3500 VHF (watchbuddy special)
AS III 800 mhz

I think the biggest thing that makes me dislike the AS's I have now is the fact that they have the uber batteries on them. They really need those fancy small LiOn's to make the more to my liking. So pretty much, if you like how tall they are - then there really will not be much functional difference between the ASIII and the XTS.

If I were buying more radios and willing to pay a price, I'd go with the xts. Much more jedi like for my taste.

If the right deals come along, it becomes an issue of what the money will get me. I got an excellent deal on the Sabers, so really no complaints there. Next up - Astro Spectras, maybe a KVL...


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