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CPS 6.0 Install Error

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:19 am
by fineshot1
I am trying to install MotoTRBO CPS 6.0 (RVN5115T) and getting a "unhandled exception" error number 0x800A0046.
I am installing this on my IBM desktop I have all my other MTS/MCS/Astro CPS installed and running on. The desktop
OS is XP with svc pack 3 all up to date.

I already have the RDAC app installed and that seems to need some sort of setup although I will only be using it
in the local mode so not sure if that requires any additional setup but I can not seem to connect to the MTR3000
T7713A receiver just purchased.

Have I missed something?

EDIT: Update - When attempting to connect via RDAC I get a error # 4316

Seems like i have two separate problems, one related to loading cps and another related to
a network issue. Also when I connect the pc usb cable to the MTR3000 am i supposed to see
in device manager a "network adapter" that shows "MOTOTRBO Radio#2"???

EDIT2: Update - Never mind, a pc reboot cleared up all my problems. The usb buss must have been hosed
up. Now i must get the 7.0 downloaded cause my MTR3000's are apparently at that level. Why would moto
sell a mtr at a higher level than the software they sell ya??? Go figure!

Re: CPS 6.0 Install Error

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:37 pm
by JRayfield
Version 6.0 of the MOTOTRBO CPS is VERY VERY old. If you just received that, directly from Motorola, then someone really 'goofed' when they shipped that CD.

John Rayfield, Jr. CETma

Re: CPS 6.0 Install Error

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:33 pm
by com501
You need to reboot EACH AND EVERY TIME you install or uninstall software. This has ALWAYS been the case.

DO NOT FORGET to uninstall your previous versions of CPS BEFORE you try to install a new version, and MAKE SURE you reboot in between uninstall and new install.

This avoids a LOT of hassles and some regedit time.

Re: CPS 6.0 Install Error

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:54 am
by fineshot1
J - yes moto did goof in giving us 6.0 but then again they have made worse goofs than that before.
That was easy to recover from by downloading 7.0

com - yes i found that out about the uninstall the hard way - i am used to the astro 25 cps install doing that for me,
and i also did goof by not re-booting the pc and found that out the hard way as well.

Thanks fellas