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MIP5000 Unable to Hear other Dispatchers

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:45 am
by drice0018
We have a console at anohter location and are not able to hear what the dispatcher is saying on the other end. however we can hear all other units just no dispatch

Re: MIP5000 Unable to Hear other Dispatchers

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:02 pm
by MSS-Dave
I will venture a guess that either audio or RF crossmute is turned on between the positions that can't hear each other. Don't know MIP 5k so can't tell you how to check it or fix it, sorry.


Re: MIP5000 Unable to Hear other Dispatchers

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:18 pm
by FatBoy
2nd vote for crossmute. Were the consoles originally setup to be in the same room? Basically, the crossmute keeps the tx audio from one dispatcher in a room from coming out of the speakers of other dispatch consoles in the same room. It has been a while since my MIP5k class, but I can look it up in the manual if you have access to the software and cable. FB

Re: MIP5000 Unable to Hear other Dispatchers

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:33 pm
by drice0018
Thanks guys. In the setup I found the cross mute but the way I understood it was to keep channels from bleeding onto each other.

Re: MIP5000 Unable to Hear other Dispatchers

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:53 am
by Bill_G
No. Cross mute in consoles silences the rx in adjacent consoles to break a possible acoustic feedback loop in the room.

Without cross mute - Console 1 xmits while console 2 has the volume turned up. HOWL! Console 1 is shocked by the cacophony and lets go of the button. Dispatchers rush to turn the volume down. In the meantime, the house is burning down and fire fighters are still in quarters having heard nothing but a howl.

With crossmute - Console 1 xmits while console 2 has the volume turned up. The central system tells console 2 to mute the rx on that channel. Dispatch is successful. Fire fighters are responding, and can be heard on all positions.

An auxiliary dispatch point is placed across town in another building, and programmed the same as the originals. Now, neither point hears the other because cross mutes are in place. The programming needs to be adjusted.

Re: MIP5000 Unable to Hear other Dispatchers

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:14 pm
by dham66
You cannot cross mute positions within the MIP. You can cross mute resources (channels). The biggest headache I've found with the MIPs is that you can end up chasing your tale on issues (I'm currently running in circles on a couple of things). The best advice is that when you make changes, save, push the changes, and recycle power on the Gateways that the changes have been made on and even restart the PCs for the positions. I've gone so far as to recycle power to the whole rack before I would see changes take effect.