Quantar Power Supply Details

This forum is for the discussions targeted at converting various models of Motorola equipment to operate in the 900MHz Amateur Band.

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Quantar Power Supply Details

Post by W5RDW »

I am back on 900 MHz and have a Maxtrac repeater going (much smaller and lighter than my previous MSF5000)! I also have just got a Quantar for 900 MHz which has the older "explosive" type P/S I guess it is commonly called! I want to be on the lookout for the newer P/S version (625 W) and am needing some help on what model numbers to look for. I have gleaned some info over the last few days and it seems the latest version is the CPN1047A type (w/o charger), but I am not sure that is the exact number. I have seen a CPN1047J advertised and could that may be the latest version?

I know Motorola sells the latest P/S as a TLN3259A.

Thank for any help!

Roger W5RDW
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Astro Spectra
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Re: Quantar Power Supply Details

Post by Astro Spectra »

Put the words: onan exploding in the search box, there have been at least a couple of useful threads in the past.
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Re: Quantar Power Supply Details

Post by W5RDW »

Since I had to wait a few days for the post to come up, I did a major search on Google for the P/S and what's out there. They are a lot of model numbers, etc. for sure. I think I am understanding what is happening now.

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Re: Quantar Power Supply Details

Post by N5LS »

Hi Roger

I have a 900 Quantar with the old power supply.

Ive never had a problem with it.

From what I understand, the likelihood of the PS catching fire is very remote. Newer 1047J power supplies are very expensive.

Larry N5LS
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