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M1225 20Ch VHF Error 58 Bad Codeplug

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:27 am
by milnej
Hello ,

I have a M1225 VHF with error 58 Code Plug Error,

I think the code plug was mixed with my M1225 4ch and now I have this issue on the 20 channel radio

its M44DGC90J2AA 1225 Series DGCUA.

I am using RSS 1225 Version 4 - my M1225 4 channel reads and writes no issues.

Would anyone have a blank code plug for the 20Ch VHF M1225?

Re: M1225 20Ch VHF Error 58 Bad Codeplug

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:48 am
by Satelite
First off you do not have a 20 ch VHF M1225.
A M44 is a UHF version.
So youll need the code plug for a 20ch uhf 40 watt mobile to make it work.