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Enabling radius on GTR8000

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:09 pm
by kossuth
So I’ve played around with this some and haven’t had the results I wanted. Currently we manage our GTRs with the MotoCSS login and a configured Auth/Priv. This obviously isn’t super scalable. I see in the GTR the ability to set a radius secret and the radius IP/FQDN etc. When I set all that up I still had to use the MotoCSS and Auth/Priv info. At this junction I quit my testing being my understanding is this would be bypassed.

Is there something I’m missing here or does this not function in the manner which I’m thinking it does. I’m pretty familiar with now radius/tacacs/802.1x work so I’m missing something either on the GTR or something particular about how the node record has to be configured in Network Policy in the AD servers.