Motorola XPR & MDC-1200 Chirp Settings

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Motorola XPR & MDC-1200 Chirp Settings

Post by RPFD41 »


Here is the problem I have been working on for days. We have recently gone from an Analog System to the DMR but still have non repeated channels active in Analog. Im Using the Current CPS 2.0 with XPR 3300e Radios. we have the DMR channels taken care of with PTT ID. My problem starts when on the Analog Channel the users still want that old MDC-1200 Transmission and be able to hear the chirp at the end of the transmission to Rx radios. I have gone thru the setting and changes almost everything I can but can not get the setting right or figure it out. On a Uniden scanner I can Hear the EOT PTT ID MDC-1200 Chirp but once switched over to the portable to Portable or base radio the Chirp is Gone. Does Anyone have the correct settings or can point me in the right direction so I can Get the EOT PTT ID Chirp on the recieving users. I know DMR is semi complicated with hang times and Dos settings. Any Help will be Greatful and all the Users will be greatful once again to hear the MDC-1200 Chirp
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Re: Motorola XPR & MDC-1200 Chirp Settings

Post by jackhackett »

If you can hear it on a scanner but not on a portable then the portables are muting it.

Have you tried turning off DOS in the MDC settings? DOS mutes the audio when it detects the MDC data.
The only other thing I can think of is to make sure it's set to send MDC with PL/DPL.

I don't have CPS in front of me at the moment so I can't look to see what the specific settings are, just going from memory. I'll update later if need be.
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Re: Motorola XPR & MDC-1200 Chirp Settings

Post by jackhackett »

Okay, so I looked in CPS, I would try turning down the DOS Auto Mute Duration, either to 0 or something short like 100 ms. That should let all or part of the chirp through. There's no PL setting for MDC that I can see in CPS 2.0, older radios like the CDMs had a checkbox for PL Transmit in the MDC settings, I guess they did away with that and it always sends PL with the MDC now.
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