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Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 4:05 pm
by wavetar
Go to the trunking utility menu (F4, F4, F8 from main menu), then choose the F8 - Add/Delete Personality and Trunking Mode. Hit the up or down arrow until it says "Add Mode". Then enter down and manually type in "001" in the "insert after mode" line. Enter down and type in your channel name, then enter down and type in "new" in the "copy from mode" line. Then enter down to the "add mode in personality" line and type in "01". Then press "F8 - execute" and it should be added. You then go into the mode list to change the talkgroup numbers to what you wish.


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 4:12 pm
by xmo
It should work just like Todd said, but if your path to the system key isn't right you will only see an option for Delete, not Add/Delete.

Also, newer RSS warns you that if you change the system key path you have to restart the RSS for the change to take effect. I didn't see a warning in my Spectra RSS when I fixed the path to the system key, but it didn't work right till I restarted.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:23 pm
by xmo
It is a little obtuse. If you play with it for a while you will get it going.

While you are in the screen "Trunking Modifications", you can scroll the "UTILITY" field to add either personalities or modes so after you put in a personality you can then add modes to go with it.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:50 pm
by RKG
One more tip: you can only create 10 talkgroups on a "personality," but you can create multiple personalities on the same "system." So when you've maxed out 10 t/gs on a desired "personality," just close another personality from that one and start with the "11th" t/g.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 6:01 pm
by wavetar
If you continue to have problems, send me the codeplug & I'll pop in as many TG's as you want, although I likely won't get to it 'til Monday night. I find the Spectra to be the least user friendly RSS package, by far. I've seen that same error as you Shaun, but I forget exactly what I did to rectify it. Try creating a single new personality, and add the mode(s) to it before you exit out of the screen.


Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 3:08 pm
by wavetar
I was able to read the codeplug you sent me & add modes no problem with regular RSS 6.00.05. This is the latest regular version, I'm not sure what the latest LAB version would be.
