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New F350 for work... AKA The Fleet Has Arrived!

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:05 pm
by jayres
Well, finally got another vehicle for the office to pull the Mobile Comm Unit that I got from shammond down in Atlanta, as my Explorer wouldnt quite do it.

Had a local company give us, thats right GIVE, a 2003 F-350 4-Door Diesel Dually to my office. Myself and one of my associates did the equipping in 2 days. The striping package on all the vehicles was designed by one of our local graphics companies and looks pretty sharp.

We picked up the vehicle on Tuesday afternoon, had the equipment done by Thursday AM, graphics on Friday just in time to use for a PR event on Saturday... So far everybody loves it!

Anywho, enough of me blabbing... time for the pics!



For emergency equipment, vehicle is equipped with:
Code 3 LEDX LED Lightbar (Red/Blue with Arrowstick)
Code 3 700 WigWags
Code 3 C3100 Speaker
Code 3 Mastercom

Radios are a VHF Midland Syntech 2 with VHF Extender, and a VHF CDM1250.



And of course, kudos to the company that gave it to us...


So now, when we put all the vehicles together... the fleet! :P




And of course, it wouldnt be complete without video! :P

*** PR / Safety Fair

F350 Pickup from Front

F350 Pickup from Rear

Explorer SUV From Front

Explorer SUV From Rear

*** Both in Storage Building

Front View

Front View

So... everybody let me know what you think... I'll let the guy that helped me with the install makes his own comments!

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:49 am
by thebigphish
please tell me that radio pic is from the explorer....because if that's a new vehicle, it looks kind of beat (for the 350). All it's missing is a nice floor console!

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:55 am
by jayres
Actually, no that is the pic from the F350... It was a used truck (2003) and the person that it had been assigned to (prior to it's arrival to us) didnt exactly keep it sparkling clean.

Going to have to have the carpets and upholstery shampooed, and a good cleaning given to it... I smell a job for one of the volunteers! :P

Here is a couple of pics of the radio stack in the Explorer



From top to bottom:
*Code 3 RLS Siren/Light/Arrowstick Controller
*Kenwood Dual Band Ham Radio
*Motorola MCS2000 VHF
*Midland Syntech 2 VHF with VHF extender
*Midland Syntech 2 Lowband

I know that the console looks crappy and cramped, didnt have the correct face plates for the Midlands, so was forced to improvise, adapt and overcome.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:54 pm
by KitN1MCC
would be better with a liberty bar

on our new f250 it got a fully loaded centurion

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:19 pm
by jayres
My associate tried talking me into a Whelen, as he is a die hard Whelen freak! :P He called his rep, I called mine... their bar was somewhere around $1700, mine was around $1300... He had been giving me grief for a while, I told him if they were within $100 I would get the Whelen just for him, but it was a smidgen more!

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:19 pm
by KitN1MCC
guess you local whelen guy charges alot more than what we get them for

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:29 pm
by shammond
Looks good. Like the graphics you added to the trailer too.

Hope everything is working out well.


Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:59 am
by code3media
A little off topic, but how do you adjust your A/C & Heater in the Explorer? Looks like the siren is right in the way?

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:40 pm
by jayres
Well, mostly by feel! :P Actually, the switch panel for the siren/lightbar controls is remote mount, maybe 3/4 to an inch thick, and there is still about 6 inches between that and the A/C & Heat controls. If you lean forward just slightly in the drivers seat, you can see the controls (never looked from the passenger side... I don't ride shotgun! :P)

After you know where the controls are, you dont even have to look anymore!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:23 pm
by EPC_1111
Whats with the no drill antenna mounts?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:20 pm
by jayres
All the NMO's in the roofs of both vehicles are drilled in... the ones on the front quarter panels are NMO "L" Brackets that are drilled in to the quarter panel.