LTS2000, 900 Mhz. portable....Can it be hexed into 900 Ham?

This forum is for the discussions targeted at converting various models of Motorola equipment to operate in the 900MHz Amateur Band.

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LTS2000, 900 Mhz. portable....Can it be hexed into 900 Ham?

Post by AEC »

The headline says it all....

Can the LTS2000 900 Mhz. portable be hexed to work the 900 ham band?

Has anybody done the job?

It should be possible given that the core radio is strikingly similar to the GTX, so I am thinking it is possible, but I have never done anything with this model before so I am starting fresh.

I have one that I would like to 'Ham' if I can, but I do NOT want to start playing with hex/ascii locations and forget to save a file or three and hose the radio.
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