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Minitor V Amp Charger Lights Flashing

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:04 pm
by ayaresr
I have here a Minitor V with the amplified charger base. When you put the pager in the charger, with no battery in the piggyback slot, the pager light on the charger comes on but dim, and the "battery" light on the base starts to blink constantly. If you take the pager out and put the battery in the back with no pager in, the battery light stays on steady and the pager light will flash. Anyone seen this before? Suggestions? Is there any kind of a recall or repair notice on these bases?
Thanks, Ryan

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:23 pm
by ard099
Have you tried another pager in the charger? Also, double check to make sure that the battery latch is latched down good, you should hear it click. I have seen similar problems in non-amplified chargers where the battery was not latched.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:23 pm
by ayaresr
I have removed the battery and reinstalled it several times, it does appear latched. I will try another pager and battery tomorrow. I didn't have another one available when I looked at this the first time.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 6:36 am
by MassFD
I have 3 of them that where doing the same thing. I sent them back to the vendor who sent them to Motorola for waranty replacment. That was 3 months ago, I still do not have repacments for them as the Charger Amps are again on hold for QA testing for the third time in the last 2 years.

Why is Motorola having problems building something as simple as a charger? They have been building them for years, whats up.

I have had it with this Minitor 5 thing, they have more problems than the Minitor 3 and 4 combined. I had to pull some Minitor 2's off the shelf to use as replacments for Minitor 5's that are out for repair or no longer have chargers. Bet when this is resolved I will have a tough time geting the 2's back as they work so great.

Sure glad I did not trade in all my 2's when we upgraded??? to 5's

To answer the original question, yes the blinking lights are a known problem but if you send it back you will not see it again till the redesign is off QA hold.

Re: Minitor V Amp Charger Lights Flashing

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:21 am
by firetech792
I have a handfull of these amps doing the same thing. I sent the first one back to the depot and it came back with "This item no longer supported. Item returned unrepeaired" on the paper work. Whats up with that?

When will Kenwood take the hint and come out with a voice monitor pager?

Re: Minitor V Amp Charger Lights Flashing

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:52 pm
by tvsjr
I had a similar issue. Depot first returned it "no longer supported". Still well within warranty, my Moto shop sent it back in and told them to fix or replace. Came back with a brand new charger and pager, which all works fine.