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Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:28 am
by mjm320340
Dear All,

Having loaded GP3XX firmware into a GP640 Im having trouble getting the radio to accept the codeplug file.

Ive done this before with 680 into 380s but this is the first time Ive got halfway and cannot complete the flashing.

Can someone please asssist?

Many thanks

Re: Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:09 am
by Andreas
Never flash the new firmware,before you´ve programmed the codeplug!
Try to flash the GP6xx firmware back and program the 380 codeplug.
When this is done flash the GP3xx firmware.


Re: Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:31 am
by 14FC
Hi evrybody

Got a problem after flashing UHF GP680 (mdh25RDH9CK6AE) to GP380 (MDH25RDH9AN6AE)

What i have done:

- EU Waris Lab Upgradekit(R02.01.00) EN
Codeplug: GP380-UHF.0
Firmware: waris5t GP3xx (ENVN4019S).0

Flash has been done successfully


There is a problem with the codeplug : the radio is not readable on any version of CPS, even with the last version CPS Serie GP300/GM300 R03.09.25.2008

The error is:

"CPS Error 1303 " "Radio not supported" :-(

Any help, any web link will be really welcome... ;-)

Regards and 73 from FRANCE

Re: Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:32 pm
by Andreas
Flash it back to GP680!
You have to load the codeplug for GP380 and program it, before you flash the firmware!


Re: Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:36 am
by chipetto
or use the LAB Flashgrade version D03.00.00A

But i have a also a problem i have 1 that is try power on even it turn off
i have power on-of / volume knob replaced an it still power on
how can i fix it


Re: Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 2:10 am
I need manual (step by step) about flashing GP680 to GP380. Where I find this? Please help me. Sorry for my bad english.

Re: Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:56 pm
by luke609
you really wont to change GP680 -> GP380?. This operation is not simple because:
- it's need a completly tuning of radio after flashing;
- it's not a free of charge - tools are secret ;-) ;
if your are decided - send me info on priv.
luke (sp5vjl)

Re: Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 7:08 am
by ct1fhw
Hi everyone,

I was trying to flash my gp680 to gp380, but during the flash process the radio give an error.
I write the codeplug and the the radio show in the display "NO personality".
Them I turn off the radio, switch the rib to bootstrap mode and turn the radio on , and the hit the upgrade button.
All the process run without any problem, until it reach the erase flash rom part.
"unexpected response from radio"
"erase flash rom failed"

My radio model is H25RDH9CK6
My mtp model codeplug is PMUE1437D and I have select the PMUE1441D to convert it.

The current firmware version in the radio (MPT) is R.02.09.01.
All the firmwares I have found are older. The code plug was 09.00, now I got the 07.00 and the radio give me eeprom checksum error.

Is possible to copy the code plug from another GP680????

Re: Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:36 am
by ct1fhw
Hi everyboby,

I want to convert a gp680 to gp380, but my radio have a recent firmware version R02.09.01 with code-plug 09.00. I have try to convert other identical radio, I write de code plug, and after upload the bootload software to the radio, the software give an error "unexpected error for the radio".

What can I do to solve this problem??

Re: Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:36 am
by pa3msf
I have the same problem here with a gm1280. Getting unexpected response from radio.

Did somebody solve this issue?


Re: Motorola GP680 - GP380 Flashing Problem - HELP!

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:21 pm
by codefoxed
You need a slower PC with a physical serial port. Lab flashgrade is really finicky. Too fast or too slow and it just won't work. USB serial ports won't work at all. Try different PCs.

IBM T42 Thinkpad with the docking station and Windows XP worked for me.