
This forum is dedicated to discussions pertaining specifically to the Motorola ASTRO line of radios (those that use VSELP/IMBE/AMBE), including using digital modulation, digital programming, FlashPort upgrades, etc. If you have general questions please use the General or Programming forums.

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Elroy Jetson
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Post by Elroy Jetson »

I'm going to give you this tantalizing little gift...

The XTS5000 will respond to certain modem commands if you hook it up and bring up HyperTerminal.




That's all you get for now.

Have fun!
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Astro Spectra
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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by Astro Spectra »

And I'll give you this – both the XTS5k and the XTL5k will install as modems under Windows XP.
Set up two radios for ASTRO data much along the lines of the IP settings needed for text messaging (documented by akardam) and put them both on the same IP subnet then you can happily establish an IP connection between the radios. How to get an IP connection over a serial port? Well we use the old Internet serial standbys ... PPP/SLIP my man.

What would I do with this? Well if you do this at base with say an XTL5k connected to a PC that has Internet access and you enable XP Internet connection sharing (ICS) then you can access the Internet remotely from a laptop connected to another XTL or XTS 5K. At less than 9600 bps it’s not very fast, but it does work. Your own private IV&D.

Now Elroy, here’s your bonus for 10: with the IP stack in the PC connected to one radio and a GPS mic connected to another radio what do you think happens when you send properly formatted XML commands as documented by the Motorola locations services publications?
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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by akardam »

You can also use the Data Link Manager (NVN5314) to establish a host computer to radio IP connection. Once upon a time I hooked up an XTS to a laptop, setup a connection with DLM, and was able to ping a mobile radio over the air. Didn't get any further than that, as my experience was hideous latency and about 20% packet loss. Never did play with it further to determine if it had something to do with my setup or how the radios were programmed.
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Elroy Jetson
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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by Elroy Jetson »

I'm thinking in a far different direction, actually. The modem capabilities, Astro Data and such, are very interesting and
can be useful in and of themselves, but as you know, my particular bias is toward exploring the radio and what it can do
that Mother M doesn't want you to do with it.

The CPS is a wonderful program but it is very much a prison guard. What it won't let you get into is what I'm most interested
in getting into. Uncensored access via Hyperterminal has great promise, if the commands can be mapped out, which is actually
a simple matter to do, although somewhat time consuming.

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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by newtomotorola »

Elroy Jetson wrote:I'm thinking in a far different direction, actually. The modem capabilities, Astro Data and such, are very interesting and
can be useful in and of themselves, but as you know, my particular bias is toward exploring the radio and what it can do
that Mother M doesn't want you to do with it.

The CPS is a wonderful program but it is very much a prison guard. What it won't let you get into is what I'm most interested
in getting into. Uncensored access via Hyperterminal has great promise, if the commands can be mapped out, which is actually
a simple matter to do, although somewhat time consuming.


Im with you
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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by tvsjr »

Until you find the right one that turns the radio into a brick.
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Elroy Jetson
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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by Elroy Jetson »

There are risks in every enterprise. And a 5K can always be recovered.
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Elroy Jetson
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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by Elroy Jetson »

Oh yeah...to clarify this a little bit...I haven't yet made much progress on using HyperTerminal to explore the radio. I'm not out to tease anybody with a
fragment of knowledge while holding back the rest. For me, investigating the radio with HT is a new challenge, brought about by using HT with
M/A-Com portable radios, which are dead simple to manipulate in HT. The HDT debugger feature in them is an absolutely gorgeous and simple, but
powerful tool, and I'd just love to find something similar hiding in a 5K. As of yet I have not.

On the M/A-Com P7100 portable, I can dump the ENTIRE memory contents to a file with a one line command, and I can dump it as hex codes or as longs
or even directly disassemble to assembly language opcodes. And it even includes its own basic help functions to help show you how to use those commands.

This got me very interested in what you might do along the same lines with Moto radios. So far it looks like if they have a similar feature,
it's not obvious and not meant to be easily accessed. I'd bet that they just don't have it but that doesn't stop me from looking.

mike m
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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by mike m »

The SB96000 protocol from the UDC or the flex connector is pretty common in the XTS5000 for avionics use, Wulfsberg Electronics, oops were now Cobham Avionics, uses that protocol with hyper and tera terminal to configure and set up the XTS5000's in their modified avionics packages.

It's a bottom feeder method of doing P25 in avionics without having to pay DVSI fees, it works so so.

I think technisonics up near Torornto may do something similar in their avionics radios.

I have a whole bunch of SB9600 commands for the XTS5000 filed away somewhere including FPP from the UDC and the control flex, I'll see what other I can dig up.

Only problem is it is terribly slow, fingers are faster using the keypad FPP menu item than 2 way comms with SB9600.

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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by Batwings21 »

Using a serial port monitor will show you some of the commands. Just load it up, attach to your com port and read the radio.
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Elroy Jetson
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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by Elroy Jetson »

Yes, I've tried that and it was...interesting. But the commands are anything but in plain English. It appears that the CPS downloads the radio a block at a time, with specific commands for each block. "Download from 00000000 to 00000fff", then "download from 00001000 to 00001fff", etc...

If that could be deciphered, it wouldn't be tough for a programmer to write a dump app. It doesn't look like a major challenge. Problem is, I'm not much of a programmer!

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Re: Tantalizing...

Post by Batwings21 »

Yeah I agree, the cps sends a request, then is answered by data, then requests again. The data does not look like a typical (ie astro/jedi line codeplug) in this view. I guess that would be too easy. I would like to see Mike M's command list.
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