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Extended frequency range with XTS5K

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:49 am
by radio-link

In case this is not yet known, it is possible to enhance the frequency range of XTS5000 and similar radios programmed with the same CPS.
I just opened the patport.exe with an hex editor, searched in intel unsigned long for the frequency limits (in my case 136000000 and 174000000), replace them with the favourite value - and it was done.
My radios seem to work from around 130 up to around 180 MHz...
Probably the UHF versions offer some more, but I have none here to try it out :)

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:11 am
by Mfire39
The UHF will work the same way for the most part.. I have had a UHF-Low split all the way up to 479 Tx with no problems at all. The radio was very stable at that range.


Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:24 pm
by tvsjr
Has anyone tried this hack on an FPP-enabled radio? I'm wondering what the radio does if you try to edit an out-of-band channel.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:07 pm
by akardam
If you try and FPP a channel that was previously programmed with CPS to be out of band, then it will not let you "save" the OOB freq. All OOB programming has to be done with the CPS, and heaven help you if you for some reason accidentally try to FPP it when you're not near the computer...